On the bases of the Article 12 of the Law on associations and foundations (official gazette of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 45/02) assembly of the Association of visually impaired citizens of Tuzla on its regular session held October 2005. adopts Constitution of the Association of visually impaired citizens.
Constitution of the
Association of visually impaired citizens
Article 1.
The Association of visually impaired citizens is voluntary association established by decision of founder on foundation assembly held 1999.
Article 2.
Visually impaired persons are associated in the association of visually impaired citizens in order to take into account their social, economical, cultural, information, sport, recreation and other needs and interests.
The Association of visually impaired citizens of Tuzla realizes its aims and tasks according to law, decision about foundation and this constitution. In realization of its activities, the Association of visually impaired citizens of Tuzla cooperates with the authorities, disability organizations, as well as other nongovernmental organizations.
Article 3.
This constitution defines: name and headquarter, area of work, sources of funding, advocacy and representation and other issues important for work and activities of the Association of visually impaired citizens of Tuzla.
Name, headquarter, area of work
Stamp and amble
Article 4.
The name of the association is:
The Association of visually impaired citizens of Tuzla.
Acronym is
Article 5.
Headquarter of the association is in Tuzla, Kazan-mahala 5.
Article 6.
UGOV is non-party, non-governmental association with the status of legal person.
Article 7.
In order to realize the aims of its program, UGOV Tuzla is organized in the following municipalities: Tuzla, Srebrenik, Kalesija and ?eli?.
Article 8.
UGOV Tuzla has its stamp of round form, diameter of 3.5 millimeter, with Latinas text the Association of visually impaired citizens of Tuzla.In the middle of the stamp is sign of the association, stylized eyes and nose with semishade right eye and opened book on top of the left eye. Closer provisions on the use of stamp and sign will be defined by general acts of UGOV Tuzla.
Article 9.
The aims of foundation of UGOV Tuzla are:
1. Gathering of visually impaired citizens in order to organize and make conditions for their participation in all areas of life and work.
2. Providing voluntary and free relationship for realization of their rights according to law.
3. Development of visually impaired citizens tendencies through out realization of different activities according to their abilities.
4.Organizing activities for taking into account cultural and information needs of visually impaired citizens, supplying enabling aids and organizing sport and chess activities.
5.Founding enterprises for economical and service activities.
Financial resources.
Article 10.
UGOV Tuzla provides funds from the following sources:
1. Membership,
2. Donation of individuals and enterprises,
3.From budget of Tuzla municipality, Tuzla canton and other state institutions,
4.Presents and legacy,
5. Programs and projects of humanitarian and other agencies,
6. Income from property and other rights,
7.Income earned from economical and other related activities.
UGOV Tuzla uses the money for financing program activities and expends it according to law and this constitution.
Article 11.
In order to realize its aims, UGOV Tuzla performs activities and tasks in particular:
1. Participate in detection and recording of visually impaired persons,
2. Takes care of categorization, sending to school and integration in society of all detected and recorded persons,
3. Takes care of rehabilitation of persons born blind, as well as members who lost sight lately,
4. Organizes orientation and mobility trainings,
5. Encourages employment of qualified members and directly participates in activities for their employment,
6. Offers help in realization of rights and benefits,
7. Performs other activities of interests of its members.
Article 12.
The assembly disposes with property of the association according to law and this constitution.
If the association stop working, the assembly will regulate the issue of property.
Article 13.
Membership in the association is on voluntary bases. Regular members can be visually impaired citizens who live in the area where the association works.
Article 14.
Regular members ar visually impaired persons.
A person is considered blind if his of her degree of vision is in accordance to definition of blindness.
Helping members are citizens who actively participate in work of ugov tuzla and offer help in realization of its aims and tasks.
Honorary members are citizens who gave particular contribution in work and development of UGOV Tuzla.
Assembly makes decision of honorary membership.
Article 15.
Managing Board of the association joins regular and helping members.
For joining in the association, visually impaired person encloses certificate of ophthalmologist and ocular board, while legal entities enclose decision of the management body in charge.
Regular and helping members get member cards.
Article 16.
Regular and helping members pay membership on the bases of decision of the assembly or Managing board. Certain social categories of members could be exempted from paying membership (children and youth to 18 years).
Article 17.
Rights of members are,
- to elect and be elected in management bodies of UGOV Tuzla;
- To participate in decision making of visually impaired persons interests, directly or through out their representatives;
- To consider and assess the work of management bodies;
- To initiate issue of responsibility and recall of representatives of management bodies;
- To be informed about UGOV and federal association of the blind work;To ask questions and look for answers from management bodies and to be equal in realization of their rights;
-regulation on awards.
Article 18.
Member's duties are:
- To give contribution in realization of aims and tasks of UGOV and the Association of the blind of Federation of BiH;
-To keep reputation of UGOV Tuzla and blind association of FbiH;
-To respect the constitution of UGOV Tuzla and the Association of the blind of FbiH;
- To be informed about UGOV's work;
-To be active in management bodies if they are members of such bodies;
- To fulfill their obligation according to their abilities;
- To pay membership.
Article 19.
Regular members of UGOV Tuzla have certain benefits according to their impairment.
Article 20.
Members could be sanctioned for breaking regulations of constitution or if they undermine reputation of UGOV or the Association of the blind of Federation of Bi HE.
They could be warned or excluded from the association for certain time.
Article 21.
Membership in UGOV Tuzla stops if:
- Resigning;
- Deleting from record;
- Exclusion.
Every member could resign from UGOV Tuzla whenever he or she wants.
Member is deleted from record if:
-He or she becomes member of other association of visually impaired persons;
-If they don't pay membership for two years;
- In case of death;
- Incase of improvement of vision.
Management bodies of UGOV Tuzla.
Article 22.
Management of UGOV Tuzla are:
1. The Assembly;
2. Managing board and
3. Supervision board.
UGOV Tuzla also has commissions, councils, sections and other bodies.
The Assembly.
Article 23.
The Assembly is highest management body of UGOV Tuzla. One representative is elected on 20 members. The Assembly should include 39% of women and two parents of members. Mandate of representatives is verified on first session. Mandate lasts for four years and representatives could be reelected. Third mandate is not possible.
In cas of management body member, new representative is elected and his mandate lasts till the next elections.
Article 24.
Duties of the Assembly are:
-Adopts constitution and makes its changes and supplements;
- Adopts rule of procedures;
- Makes decision of membership fee;
- Makes decision about verification of mandates for new members of the Assembly;
- On suggestion of Managing board, make decision about awards and acknowledgements;
- Considers the principals of organizing of management and work;
- Appoints representatives of UGOV in other associations and bodies;
- Adopts annual Program of work of UGOV Tuzla, report about its work and report of Supervision board;
- Make decisions about founding of section and clubs of UGOV Tuzla and about publishing magazines and bulletin in format accessible to visually impaired persons;
- Make decisions about founding of enterprises according to law;
- Elect and dismiss president and vice president of the Assembly, members of Managing board and supervision board;
- Appoints working bodies and
- Works other jobs according to this constitution;
-Makes decision about conditions and procedure for joining, separation, transformation or stop working of the association.
Article 25.
For making decisions in competence of the Assembly, it is necessary that more than half Assembly members vote for them.
For adoption of constitution and its changes and supplements, founding enterprises and stop working of the association is necessary two third of majority of all Assembly members.
Article 26.
Elected Assembly members appoint president and vice president of the Assembly.
Article 27.
The president of the Assembly convokes sessions of the Assembly. When he is absent vice president overtakes his duties.
President or vice president have to convoke session of the Assembly on initiative of: Managing board, and on request at least one third of the Assembly members.
Request for session, in terms of previous point is send to the president of the Assembly in written form, with suggestions for agenda and reasons for session. On the bases of explained request, the president organizes the session. Deadline for session is 30 day from receiving request.
Managing board.
Article 28.
The Assembly appoints Managing board of five members on its constitutive session.
Managing board appoints president and vice president of managing board.
President and vice president of Managing board represent UGOV Tuzla.
Managing board is operational body which works according to annual plan and is responsible to the Assembly for its work. Their mandate lasts for four years and they could be reelected.
Article 28 A.
Vice president helps Managing board president and overtakes his duties when he is absent.
Article 29.
Managing board:
-Takes care of the property of the association and supervises the use of equipment and money;
- Organizes annual list of equipment;
- Implements decisions and conclusions of the Assembly;
- Prepares drafts for acts which adopts the Assembly;
- Adopts regulations which are not in charge of the assembly;
- Make decisions about agreements with third parties;
- Considers annual financial plan and informs the Assembly about its realization;
- Appoints working bodies and coordinates by their work;
- Decides on employment of workers;
- Gives suggestions on awards and acknowledgments and
- Works other jobs according to this constitution and law.
Article 30.
Managing board holds its sessions according to need at least monthly.
Decisions are valid if more than half Managing board members vote for them.
Article 31.
The president convenes Managing board sessions.
Session can be convened on request of two or three Managing board members.
Work of Managing board is regulated by the Rule of procedure.
Invitation with agenda for session is send to Managing board members the latest seven days before the session.
The president of the Assembly
Article 32.
The Assembly of UGOV Tuzla appoints its president from Assembly members on the period of two years. He could be reappointed in certain cases.
Article 33.
Duties of Assembly president are:
- To convene sessions of the Assembly;
- To coordinate by working bodies and to cooperation with other organizations;
- Signs acts which adopts the Assembly;
- Preparation of material for Assembly sessions;
-To take care of publicity work, realizations of member's rights;
- Information about work of the bodies;
- Preparation of constitution, rules of procedure and other documents;
- Works on realization of decisions and conclusions of the Assembly;
- Suggest measures for annual working program
-And works other jobs according this constitution and by the law.
Secretary of UGOV Tuzla.
Article 34.
Secretary is professional who performs activities of the association.
He is appointed by Managing board on the period of four years.
Secretaries duties are:
- To take care of program's tasks;
- Organizes administrative and technical jobs;
- Preparations of suggestions, decisions and conclusions;
- To coordinate by coordinative bodies
- And works other jobs by order of management bodies and president.
Supervision board
Article 35.
Supervision board has three members. They are appointed by the Assembly. One member who is the president of Supervision board is member of the Assembly. Other two members are professionals.
Supervision body:
- Controls finances of the association;
- do other jobs related to control.
Supervision board cooperates with other bodies which work on prevention and remove of irregularity in the work of UGOV Tuzla.Body for implementation of the elections
Article 36.
The Assembly makes decision about elections at least two month before the end of mandate of delegates.
Publicity of work.
Article 37.
The work of UGOV Tuzla is transparent.
Transparency of work provide appointed bodies of UGOV Tuzla.
Information for members are provided through out the magazines, bulletins, means of communication, publishing and sending material and in other ways.
Article 38.
The association can join associations of organizations with different disabilities on the level of canton and Federation of BiH.
Awards and acknowledgments.
Article 39.
The Assembly of UGOV Tuzla awards acknowledgments according to this constitution on suggestion of Managing board.
Awards and acknowledgments are given to individuals for their contribution in realization of aims and tasks of UGOV Tuzla.
Highest acknowledgment of UGOV Tuzla is plaque which awards the Assembly to individuals for their results and contribution in the work of UGOV Tuzla.
Advocacy and representation.
Article 40.
President and vice president of Managing board advocate and represent of the association.
Article 41.
The president of Assembly signs documents which adopts the Assembly and advocate and represents the association in issues incharge of the Assembly.
Managing board president signs documents which adopts Managing board and advocates and represents the association in issues in charge of Managing board.
The president advocates and represents of the association with regards to employment of worker in the associations well as in management of finances within the decisions of Managing board and the Assembly.
Transient and final provisions
Article 42.
The interpretation of provisions of this constitution gives Managing board of UGOV Tuzla.
Article 43.
General acts according to this constitution will be adopted for six month from the day of going the constitution into effect.
Article 44.
This constitution is going to effect from the day of its adoption and will be applied when the Ministry of justice of Tuzla canton certify it.
Num: 67/2004
The president
Safija Jahic