Unequal right of blind persons in the Federation BiH to enabling aids is long standing problem which has negative influence on quality of their life. It is often unable to realize regulates right in practice. Procedure to materialize this right is different from canton to canton.
Due to complicated procedure, many of blind persons blench of this right.
While in UN Convention on the rights of persons with disability right to enabling aids regulates in Article 20 (Personal mobility), in Bosnia and Herzegovina enabling aids are sorted to area of health.
Taking into account the role of enabling aids in increasing level of independence of their members, the Association of the blind of Herzegovina Neretva canton, Una Sana canton, the Association from Gracanica and the Association of visually impaired citizens of Tuzla have started partner project with the aim of advocacy for equal rights to enabling aids for all blind persons in the Federation of BiH. The project is funded from the Government of Switzerland within PRAGG project.
We conduct analisis for which enabling aids health institutions of cantons cover expenses of buying enabling aids totally or partially as well as about procedure to materialize this right. Analises will be accessible for the public soon. Along with these information, analises will contain recommendations for authorities in charge and serve as a tool for advocacy equal right to enabling aids for all blind persons in the Federation of BiH.
Majoriti of associations and organizations of the blind accepted our invitation for cooperation which we appreciate.
We can easier advocacy for our rights together.