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Audio darts promotion on Christmas bazar in German Embassy in Sarajevo


06/25/2020 10:00

German Embassy in Sarajevo every year organizes Christmas bazar at the beginning of December. The money earned by selling of products made by Embassy's staff are used in humanitarian purpose. Other programs of a different character are also part of the event.


This year, their guests were tvisually impaired children and youth, members of the Association of visually impaired citizens of Tuzla. Embassy donated audio darts to the Association within the development of sports for persons with disability.

Blind and sighted players played on equalbases because sighted persons wore dark glasses.

All interested Embassy staff and their children took part on the tournament, as well as visually impaired children and youth. Sighted participants paid fee por participation.

Three first competitors gained award.

German ambasador in Sarajevo addressed to present with words of wellcome.

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