General Assembly of United Nation adopted Resolution of the World Blind Union by which January 04th is proclaimed as the World day of Braille letter. Frenchman, Louise Braile, inventor of Braille was born on January 1809. 100 years from invention, Braille is an important media for learning blind persons how to read and write.
The purpose of the World day is raising awareness about importance of Braille for blind all over the world.
Braille letter consists of 6 dots arranged in two rows. By combination of these dots, you get letters, numbers, musical tones, etc. For reading, you need to recognize and differentiate dots. Majority of the blind read with both hands. They read with index finger of left hand and follow lines by right index finger. For writing you use slate and stylus or writter.
Many consider that it is possible to replace Braille by modern assistive technology or audio file. Wrong!
Learning students and persons who lost their sight latter how to read and write is important because of increasing of their independance. Organizations of the blind play an important rule in motivation and education.
Blind persons use Braille in education, at work and in daily life.
Titles of the most medicaments are written in Braille on boxes. In some of new buildings numbers in elevators are in Braille.
Library for blind and partially sighted persons each year print a certain number of books in Braille in order to make them available for its members.
Development of technology has contributed decreasing of interest in Braille in our country and all over the world.
Pointing out to importance of literacy is step which could be helpful. Earlier, Braille was obligatory for all students of primari schools for the blind. Blind students who attend ordinary school should know to use Braille. The World day is only one of opportunities.