Izbornik jezika

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06/25/2020 09:54
With financial support of the federal ministry for social affairs, Women Ecumenical Initiative and Tuzla municipality, the Association of visually impaired citizens of Tuzla organized the conference about the position of blind and partially sighted women from 14th to 16th August 2017 in the Hotel of Orion Ormanica. The aim of the conference with 30 participants, blind and partially sighted women from Tuzla canton was education, information and exchange experiences. Representatives of the Association of the blind from Zivinice and Gracanica participated to opening ceremony.

The program consisted of interactive workshop on actual topics: The role of enabling aids in the house and daily life, Health protection, The importance of sports and recreation, etc. Participants were particularly impressed by workshop of Dr. Amra Habibovic, head of gynaecology in Health centre of Tuzla. Dr. Habibovic paid particular attention to reproductive health and young women. Visually impaired women unfortunately do not have enough information about health protection. The doctor expressed her readines to enable them additional education in the Association.

The promotion of brochures with practical advices for housewives in Braille and exhibition of enabling aids which visually mpaired women use in the house and daily life precede to the conference.

Brochure prepared by Nadja Lucic, activist of the Association include the ways of preparation of food and warehousing of groceries, chygiene of the kitchen, cleaning of furniture and appliances, etc. Experienced housewives consider this reading helpful. Brochure will be distributed to all interested blind women regardless where they live.

The following enabling aids, which belong to Vidosava Antic from Brvnik, near of Samac were presented in exhibition: Braille and talking kitchen scales, ptalking pressure gauge, device for colours recognition which is in the same time indicator of the light, liquid level indicator, accessible games, etc.

These activities are joined how more blind women could inform about the content of brochure and try enabling aids.


Participants of this meeting are under positive impression. Their wish is to meet again in the future how they could learn and work together.

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